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Plastic technology manufacturing large blister treatment tank plastic shell successfully put into the market

In November 2020, Suyi cooperated with domestic brands to jointly develop a large treatment cabin shell. This product was put into the market stably in December, and its r&d ability and production quality have been highly recognized by customers.


Plastic technology manufacturing large blister medical treatment cabin products

You can contact us through the following ways, we thank you for your attention to us, and look forward to your consultation:
  • ADD.:8 Union Road, North District, Hudai Industrial Park, Binhu District, Wuxi City
  • M/P:Mr.Zou(133 2810 7222)
  • EMAIL:zouyiping@wxpat.com
  • TEL:0510-85582717-808
  • FAX:0510-85583989
  • Business Department Address:8 Union Road, North District, Hudai Industrial Park, Binhu District, Wuxi City
  • M/P:Ms.Liu(181 0152 3390)
  • TEL:0510-85582717-808
  • EMAIL:liujunru@wxpat.com
  • WEB:www.uspn.cn
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